POLICY DATE:  03/29/2007

Some Court filings filed through this website require payment of filing fees. For those filings that do require payment, a credit card will be required to be provided with the filing, or you may use a Debit Account established at the court. The fee amount may or may not be presented at time of filing. Use of this website constitutes your consent to charge the credit card you supply, or your court debit account with the standard fees based on the type of filing and the information you provide with the filing.

Refunds due to improper collection of fees will require that you contact the court clerks office directly

Your Acceptance of This Policy
By using the website, you consent to the terms of the Second Judicial Court State of Nevada Washoe County Website Payment Policy.  If you do not agree with this policy, please refrain from using the website. 

Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact:
Court Technology Department
Phone Number: 775.328.3402
Email: CourtTech@washoecourts.us